Habitat for Humanity, India is a programme organised for the purpose of helping and giving aid to people living across India. this Programme also helps in elevating the living conditions of people living in rural areas by giving free proper education, building houses and placing the families affected by natural disasters on a path to durable and sustainable shelter solutions in a phase wise manner through its Pathways to Permanence disaster response strategy.

HA C.Vanlalauva, DIO Dr Lalngaihawmi Chhangte , Miss Levish Leivon, DC MIss Nazuk Kumar IAS, DMS Dr ZD Lalmuanawma.

Road to Recovery 2.0 is Habitat India’s response to the deadly second wave of COVID-19 pandemic. In partnership with local governments and on-ground partners, Habitat for Humanity is setting up Habitat Care Centres to equip underused healthcare or government buildings.Habitat for Humanity India has worked with the local government partners in some of the worst-hit states to identify the next ten priority healthcare centres needed. Each Centre hosts between 60 and 100 beds (at a 6-foot distance to allow for appropriate distancing and hygiene control measures) depending on size and location. 

On the date of 2nd August 2022, The District Hospital Serchhip have also received Medical equipment. This programme was headed by The Manager of projects-North East India Projects, Miss Levish Levivon, where she give a brief introduction on the Habitat For Humanity, India and their purpose. The Deputy commissioner Of Serchhip District Miss Nazuk Kumar, IAS attended this giveaway programme. Dr lalngaihawmi Chhangte also give a short speech and thanks to Habitat for Humanity, India on behalf of District Hospital Serchhip.

Staff attending the Programme

Lists Of Medical received by DHS:

1. Oxygen Concentration

2. Pulse Oximeter

3. Thermometer

4. Digital BP Apparatus

5. Nebulizer

6. PPE Kit

7. N95 Masks

8. Surgical masks

9. Surgical gloves

10. ICU Para Monitor

11. Glucometer 

12. Shoe Cover

13. Surgical cap

14. Disposable towel

15. Stethoscope

16. Oxygen Masks